Customers who want a simple "fool proof" package of what they need in lawn fertilizer and turf weed control and Tree fertilizer and insecticide can now purchase a pre-packaged container with the right amount of product to do the job.
Each container has a simple to follow step by step guide to do the application and a calender for the best time to apply.
Ez Lawn Care includes 50lbs of fertilizer that will take care of an average sized lawn of 5,000 square feet for the entire year. The included guide explains how much to apply and how to calibrate the application.
A pre-set fertilizer applicator is also included.
Weed control for post emergent dandelions and other common broad leaf weeds is inside the box. The guide explains how much product to mix with water and refers to the label.
A one gallon spray applicator is included.
sales tips - this is a good product for the novice who has never done their own lawn care before
Ez Tree care is D&B's new answer for the Do It Yourselfer that wants an easier way to fertilize and protect their trees from insects (Bayer Insect control). The container is in a bucket that the customer can use to mix and pour the product from. Again there are are easy to follow directions. The advantage of the D&B product over the common competitors tree fertilizer is included insect control and the fact that live mycorrhizae is mixed in. One bucket will do three 10" caliper trees
Sales tip - mycorrhizae actually the tree absorb the fertilizer making Ez Tree a superior product.
Click Here for more information on mycorrhizae